
Rosacea, also known as adult onset acne, is a very common inflammatory condition of the face. It usually occurs in people over 30 years of age, and most cases look like acne. However, it behaves very differently than acne in that there are multiple things common to our everyday lives that worsen the condition, which do not worsen typical acne. These factors include: hot and spicy foods, hot drinks (teas, coffees, hot soups), sun exposure, alcohol consumption, excessive exercise, etc. Minimizing these exacerbating factors helps to lessen the expression of the condition, but still may not cure the condition.

There are generally three phases of rosacea.

  1. Erythematous, telangiectatic phase: redness and broken blood vessels of the affected area.
  2. Inflammatory phase: pimples with worsening redness.
  3. Rhinophyma: overgrowth of certain glands within the skin of the nose, causing the nose to appear larger and thicker.

Each phase has its own set of unique treatments. Consult Dr. Michaels for the best advice on helping to overcome rosacea.